During my vacation to PA and MD we hit several antique stores and my husband stumbled across this peep show token for Ellwest Stereo theatres & jolar Cinemas. I ended up buying it because it cracked me up so much. Been hunting around for more information on where it was used.
I came across this:
"This little token is from an adult peep-show theater that operated in the 1970’s in New York City and several other metropolitan areas. The operation was called the “Ellwest Stereo Theatres & Jolar Cinemas.” via: http://www.etsy.com/listing/41870170/1970s-adult-peep-show-tokenellwest
"This little token is from an adult peep-show theater that operated in the 1970’s in New York City and several other metropolitan areas. The operation was called the “Ellwest Stereo Theatres & Jolar Cinemas.” via: http://www.etsy.com/listing/41870170/1970s-adult-peep-show-tokenellwest
I used to work at ellwest theaters in the market square section of pittsburgh. It was closed down in 1980 i believe