Turner's Tokens will be available at
Secret Oktober!Check out their entry about
Steampunk here:
http://www.secret-oktober.com/?page_id=202Who is Secret
Oktober? Here is a brief description from their site:
Oktober is an independent women-owned business in Austin, Texas. Secret
Oktober was opened for business on Valentine’s Day, 2004, by Cassandra Davis. (Later, Mary Milton became an owner, also.) Secret
Oktober serves the goth, punk, and otherwise non-mainstream communities of Austin, and through this website the rest of the world! We are not a big corporation, we are two women (with occasional help from friends) who are trying to make a living by connecting the coolest sources of goth and punk merchandise (many of them local to Austin) with the coolest customers."
Pieces available are:
The 3 Gears with 1 Pin (Necklace)
The Spinner with a Gear (Chain)
The Spinner with Token and Gear (Chain)
The Spinner with Token and 2 Gears (Chain)