Monday, January 23, 2012

SteamDrunks: 101 Steampunk Cocktails by TX Author Chris-Rachael Oseland

SteamDrunks: 101 Steampunk Cocktails gently escorts you through the treacherous waters of 19th century mixology.

You'll find authentic Victorian punch recipes which could be confused for farmer's cheese, tea recipes that will knock you out rather than wake you up, and downright chewable eggy cream curdles.

Along the way, you'll also find some shockingly tasty 19th century recipes made from all natural ingredients you already have at home.

Whether you're looking for a delicate cocktail to impress a fine corset clad lady or industrial quantities of affordable Victorian punch to serve the entire crew of your airship, you'll find the perfect Steampunk themed drink inside the pages of SteamDrunks.

Buy for Kindle Today!

More Upcoming TX Events!

It just never stops! What are you going to be attending?

Jan 23 – Austin, TX - Tephra: Steampunk Tabletop RPG @ Dragon's Lair
Dragon's Lair: 6111 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX 78757; 7pm - Midnight

Jan 25 – Austin, TX - "Other Wednesday" Meetup @ Epoch Coffee
Hosted by the Texas Steampunks Group
From around 6:00 'til around 10:00 pm: Epoch Coffee on North Loop, Austin

Jan 26 - Round Rock Steampunks Meet-n-Greet
Thursday, January 26, 2012, 5:45 PM - Cici's Pizza, 1601 N I H 35, Ste 350, Round Rock, TX
Wear a little Steampunk flair! Nick (Captain Flamel, the organizer) will be wearing his black vest/tie for the event.

Jan 27 & 28 - Austin, TX - Steam, Rose Colored Goggles and the Flight of the Victoriana
Gnap! Theater Projects is proud to present “Steam, Rose Colored Goggles, and the Flight of The Victoriana”, an improvised steampunk miniseries. Join the crew of The Victoriana on their highflying adventures as they engage the most revelatory and exquisite of 19th century alternative universe technology. Delight in their use of the refined art of improvisational acting and mummery as they explore those portions of the world still marked terra incognita. Discover the definition of this neologism “steampunk” in a world where the sky’s the limit! Weekly Event - Every Fri & Sat @ 8:00pm (CST)
Tickets available here:
Facebook RSVP:

Jan 27-29 - Houston, TX - ConJour 4.0: 2012
ConJour is the annual sci-fi, fantasy, and horror convention sponsored by the UHCL Gamer's Guild. The theme this year is horror.
At the Bayou Building on the University of Houston-Clear Lake campus.The price at the door is $20 for students and $25 for everyone else (subject to change).

Jan 28 - Houston, TX - Fire in the Forest Shindig @ Exit 73
Hosted by Addisyn Madd @ 7:30pm- 12:30am. Steampunk gathering at Exit 73. This is a 21 and up only event with NO COVER. We shall have vending, alcohol and live music. Drink and be merry! He has the place and the music; what are you bringing?

Friday, January 20, 2012


Jan 20 & 21 - Austin, TX - Steam, Rose Colored Goggles and the Flight of the Victoriana
Gnap! Theater Projects is proud to present “Steam, Rose Colored Goggles, and the Flight of The Victoriana”, an improvised steampunk miniseries. Join the crew of The Victoriana on their highflying adventures as they engage the most revelatory and exquisite of 19th century alternative universe technology. Delight in their use of the refined art of improvisational acting and mummery as they explore those portions of the world still marked terra incognita. Discover the definition of this neologism “steampunk” in a world where the sky’s the limit! Weekly Event - Every Fri & Sat @ 8:00pm (CST)
Tickets available here:  
Facebook RSVP: 

Jan 20-22 - Austin, TX - Clockwork Con
Crowne Plaza Hotel Austin
Clockwork Con is a 3 day Steampunk convention located in Austin, Texas; filled with guests, vendors and acts from Texas and around the country, this event will be an excellent way to spend the weekend with the turning of gears and the hissing of steam! Everyone is welcome, whether you are a long time enthusiast or new to the scene, come on out and see the wonders of steampunk!

Jan 21 - Austin, TX - Austin Steam Train: Murder at the Masked Ball
It's Depression Era Austin but the fabulously wealthy Phillip Edward Greystone still hosts the social event of the Winter Season. But is evil lurking behind the mask of one of his guests? Does someone want to do in Phillip? Evening includes box dinner and a whodunit mystery with the Capital City Mystery Players. Guests ages 17 and older only please!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Upcoming TX Steampunk Events

Jan 7 – San Antonio, TX - Tephra: Steampunk Tabletop RPG @ Dragon's Lair
Dragon's Lair: 7959 Fredericksburg Road, San Antonio, TX 78229; 6p – 10p

Jan 9 – Austin, TX - Tephra: Steampunk Tabletop RPG @ Dragon's Lair
Dragon's Lair: 6111 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX 78757; 7pm - Midnight

Jan 11 – Austin, TX - "Other Wednesday" Meetup @ Epoch Coffee
Hosted by the Texas Steampunks Group
From around 6:00 'til around 10:00 pm: Epoch Coffee on North Loop, Austin

Jan 12 - San Antonio, TX - Steampunk Night @ Alamo Drafthouse Park North: Wild Wild West
Film starts at 7:30, but please arrive 45-60 minutes before for the pre-show and socializing! The San Antonio Neo-Victorian Association is ever so proud to present Steampunk Night at the Alamo Drafthouse Park North! Join us, Steampunk or not, for this magical evening of wonder and bedazzlement which we host every second Thursday of the every month with a new Steampunk visual experience!!/events/128648560582214/

Jan 13 & 14 - Austin, TX - Steam, Rose Colored Goggles and the Flight of the Victoriana
Gnap! Theater Projects is proud to present “Steam, Rose Colored Goggles, and the Flight of The Victoriana”, an improvised steampunk miniseries. Join the crew of The Victoriana on their highflying adventures as they engage the most revelatory and exquisite of 19th century alternative universe technology. Delight in their use of the refined art of improvisational acting and mummery as they explore those portions of the world still marked terra incognita. Discover the definition of this neologism “steampunk” in a world where the sky’s the limit! Weekly Event - Every Fri & Sat @ 8:00pm (CST)
Tickets available here:
Facebook RSVP:

Jan 14 – San Antonio, TX - Tephra: Steampunk Tabletop RPG @ Dragon's Lair
Dragon's Lair: 7959 Fredericksburg Road, San Antonio, TX 78229; 6p – 10p

Tonight and Tomorrow in Austin, TX!

Jan 6 & 7 - Austin, TX
Steam, Rose Colored Goggles and
the Flight of the Victoriana

Gnap! Theater Projects is proud to present “Steam, Rose Colored Goggles, and the Flight of The Victoriana”, an improvised steampunk miniseries. Join the crew of The Victoriana on their highflying adventures as they engage the most revelatory and exquisite of 19th century alternative universe technology. Delight in their use of the refined art of improvisational acting and mummery as they explore those portions of the world still marked terra incognita. Discover the definition of this neologism “steampunk” in a world where the sky’s the limit!

Weekly Event - Every Fri & Sat @ 8:00pm (CST)

Tickets available here:

Facebook RSVP:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Con Crud

Please excuse me while I go dig a hole and die in it for a while.

Normally I escape the accursed Con Crud but this year it must have latched on to me.
I'll be making lots of updates this weekend if I can get the Con Crud to leave me alone.

;.; I want chicken soup and frozen yogurt, anything to make my throat not kill me.

Pumping up on vitamins and lots of herbs to hopefully kick this thing before it gets any worse.
And tea, lots of tea.

Tephra: the Steampunk RPG on KICKSTARTER

TEPHRA, The Steampunk RPG recently posted on KICKSTARTER!
What could this mean to you?
This is a chance to have your character immortalized into one of the adversaries to be included in the special edition kickstarter adversary booklet! (Well, that is just one of the super cool rewards... Read on for more!)

What rewards are there for the donation levels?

Pledge $5 or more
Our Gratitude - you'll be listed on our website as one of our donors.

Pledge $15 or more
A Thank You Card - we'll send you a thank you card as well as a little random goody (such as an adversary, news article, or lore character). We'll also list you on our website as one of our donors.

Pledge $30 or more
Tephra: Core Rulebook - you'll receive one of the first copies of the Tephra Core Rulebook and be listed as a donor on our website.

Pledge $45 or more
Tephra and a Dicebag - you'll get one of the first copies of the Tephra Core Rulebook and a hand-made dicebag (by our staff) with a few of our D12s inside. Of course, you'll also be listed as one of our donors on our website!

Pledge $70 or more
Tephra, a Dicebag, and some Adversaries - you'll get the Tephra Core Rulebook, a hand-made dicebag with some of our D12s, and a packet filled with adversaries that we've made specifically for our kickstarter backers! Need I say that you'll be listed on our website?

Pledge $100 or more
Tephra, Tephra, Tephra, Dicebag, and some Adversaries - not only are you getting the Tephra Core Rulebook, you're getting THREE of them (your players need them too!). You'll also be getting a large hand-made dicebag, several D12s, our adversaries packet, and noted on our website.

Pledge $150 or more
Become an Adversary! - Look at the $100 Reward. Not only are you getting everything there, you'll also be able to describe yourself to one of our game developers, and we will MAKE YOU (or your alternate personality) into one of the adversaries to be included in the special edition kickstarter adversary booklet.

Pledge $250 or more
Narrator's Set - You'll be getting five Tephra Core Rulebooks (one for yourself and one for each of your players). We'll include the limited edition adversary packet, a large dicebag full of D12s, character sheets, pre-made characters, and some previews of our upcoming expansions. And who knows, we might even list you as a donor on our website!

Pledge $500 or more
See the Narrator's Set for the $250 pledge? Not only are we going to give you that, we're going to hand deliver it, show you how to play, and run a game for you and a group of your choice.